Results for 'Madeleine Christiane Roy'

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  1.  35
    Ego Depletion in Real-Time: An Examination of the Sequential-Task Paradigm.Madeleine M. Arber, Michael J. Ireland, Roy Feger, Jessica Marrington, Joshua Tehan & Gerald Tehan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Une excursion à Leptis Magna en 1732.Christian Le Roy - 1976 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 100 (1):373-378.
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    Λακωνικά.Christian Le Roy - 1961 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 85 (1):206-235.
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    A. Delphes.Christian Le Roy, Georges Rougemont, Lucien Lerat, Pierre Aupert, Jean Marcadé & Francis Croissant - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (2):887-905.
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    Deux notes déliennes.Christian Le Roy - 1974 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 98 (1):383-396.
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    L'École française d'Athènes et l'Asie Mineure.Christian Le Roy - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (1):373-387.
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    Lakonika II.Christian Le Roy - 1965 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 89 (2):358-382.
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    Les oiseaux d'Alexandrie.Christian Le Roy - 1981 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 105 (1):393-406.
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    Réchauds déliens.Christian Le Roy - 1961 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 85 (1):474-500.
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    Timbres amphoriques provenant de Tanis.Christian Le Roy - 1975 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 99 (1):235-246.
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  11. Ecological Personalism: The Bordeaux School of Bernard Charbonneau and Jacques Ellul.Christian Roy - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):33-44.
    French personalism is a political philosophy generally associated with the review “Esprit” founded by Emmanuel Mounier in 1932, although another branch is also known, that of the review “L’Ordre Nouveau” (1933-1938). This article identifies a third version, fostered in Southwestern France by Bernard Charbonneau and Jacques Ellul in the local groups of the two Paris-based reviews. Working within the framework of the “Amis d’Esprit,” they broke away from it after having failed to turn it into a non-conformist revolutionary movement, closer (...)
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    Daniel Cérézuelle, Écologie et liberté. Bernard Charbonneau, précurseur de l’écologie politique.Christian Roy - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (2):239-255.
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    Daniel Cérézuelle, La Technique et la chair. Essais de philosophie de la technique.Christian Roy - 2014 - PhaenEx 9 (1):180-197.
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    Kierkegaard and Japanese Thought.Christian Roy - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (8):861-862.
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    Mass Movements, the Sacred, and Personhood in Ellul and Bataille: Parallel Sociological Analyses of Liberalism, Fascism, and Communism.Christian Roy - 2023 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 7 (2):85-128.
    An instructive comparison can be drawn between Jacques Ellul’s 1936 Esprit article portraying “Fascism as Liberalism’s Child” and Georges Bataille’s 1938 lecture on “The Sacred Sociology of Today’s World”. Both rely on Durkheim’s sociology in assuming modernity’s amorphousness, leaving passive masses of atomized individuals susceptible to mobilization into totalized entities by charismatic leadership. Bataille welcomes the postwar intensification of social aggregates but criticizes their militant, militaristic regimentation as not violent and sacred enough, whereas for Ellul, the resurgent social sacred (whether (...)
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    Note de lecture sur Wayne Cristaudo, "Religion, Redemption, and Revolution. The New Speech Thinking of Franz Rosenzweig and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy".Christian Roy - 2016 - PhaenEx 11 (2):88-102.
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    Prometheus Underground: Probing the Scientist in Depth as the Carnal First Act of French Phenomenology with Arnaud Dandieu and Claude Chevalley.Christian Roy - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (3):274-286.
    ABSTRACT Arnaud Dandieu (1897–1933), a Personalist transdisciplinary thinker, joined up with Claude Chevalley (1909–84), cofounder of the Bourbaki group of mathematicians, to conduct a phenomenological study of the scientist’s activity over several articles. It shows the current development of “carnal hermeneutics” already present among the earliest manifestations of French phenomenology, in a tactile approach to the sense of depth as key to the search for knowledge, from the sorcerer to the scientist, building on the phenomenological psychology of Eugène Minkowski (1885–1972). (...)
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    Lycian History Trevor R. Bryce: The Lycians. A Study of Lycian History and Civilisation to the Conquest of Alexander the Great, Vol. 1: The Lycians in Literary and Epigraphic Sources. Pp. xvi + 273; 1 map. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1986. [REVIEW]Christian Le Roy - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (01):98-100.
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    Les « suppliciées de Fourni ». Réexamen médico-légal et paléopathologie.Philippe Charlier, Christian Le Roy & Christine Keyser - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (1):617-637.
    The "decapitated of Fourni". A medical-legal and palaeopathological reexamination The two decapitated human skeletons discovered in 1960 in a bothros connected to the clearing of the latrines of the Maison de Fourni at Delos were published in 1973 (Études déliennes [BCH Suppl. I], p. 173-181) and have since led to divergent interpretations. They are here subjected to a new anthropolical study and, for the first time, to a palaeopathological examination, which leads to unexpected conclusions. Firstly, both victimes would have been (...)
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    Pausanias à Marmaria : une datation par thermoluminescence.Max Schvoerer & Christian Le Roy - 1978 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 102 (1):243-261.
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    The Numinous Presence That Binds: How the Chaplain Navigates Disparate Commitments Through the Lens of Hospital Baptism.Madeleine Rebouché - forthcoming - Christian Bioethics.
    This article explores the often-disparate commitments the chaplain has made to both the institutional church as well as the hospital system through the lens of the baptismal rite. As baptism is primarily a religious act meant to initiate new members into the Christian faith and a specific community, the chaplain must grapple with the meaning of baptism in the hospital system, a place of crisis and transient community. It is the numinous presence that binds the chaplain’s disparate commitments together in (...)
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  22. The Freedom of a Christian: Luther's Significance for Contemporary Theology.Eberhard Jungel & Roy A. Harrisville - 1988
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    (1 other version)Marie-Madeleine Dienesch : une carrière politique féminine méconnue.Christian Bougeard - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:15-15.
    Marie-Madeleine Dienesch, disparue en janvier 1998, appartient à la génération des jeunes parlementaires qui commencent une carrière politique à la Libération, au sein du MRP. Son élection dans les Côtes-du-Nord, en 1945, est un peu le fruit du hasard. Cet article étudie comment M.-M. Dienesch s’affirme comme l’une des principales responsables du MRP et comment son enracinement dans ce département breton lui permet d’accéder à des responsabilités parlementaires. C’est l’une des rares femmes à s’imposer durablement dans la vie politique (...)
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    A survey of Christian ethics.Edward Le Roy Long - 1967 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book surveys the major thinking about Christian ethics as found in books published or distributed in the United States from the mid-sixties to the end of the seventies. In the first half of the book, Professor Long updates the analysis he first expounded in 1967 in his widely praised study, A Survey of Christian Ethics. Part one examines the literature dealing with moral reasoning, thinking about laws and codes, and ethics done in terms of situations and relationships. Part two (...)
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    A survey of recent Christian ethics.Edward Le Roy Long - 1982 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book surveys the major thinking about Christian ethics as found in books published or distributed in the United States from the mid-sixties to the end of the seventies. In the first half of the book, Professor Long updates the analysis he first expounded in 1967 in his widely praised study, A Survey of Christian Ethics. Part one examines the literature dealing with moral reasoning, thinking about laws and codes, and ethics done in terms of situations and relationships. Part two (...)
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    Academic bonding and social concern: the Society of Christian Ethics, 1959-1983.Edward Le Roy Long - 1985 - [Notre Dame, Ind.]: Religious Ethics.
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    Ethics without principles: another possible ethics--perspectives from Latin America.Roy H. May - 2015 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Ethics in the West too often equates morality with universal moral principles, thus imposing lifestyles and moral criteria that do not respect differences and local histories. Even Christianity proposes ethics that is based on eternal, absolute and universal truths or principles, independent of sociocultural and historical contexts. The problem is that these universal moral laws become a means of social control to exclude those who are different: non-Christian religions, nonwhite races, non-Western cultures, and poor and marginalized social classes everywhere. To (...)
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    En complément à la géocritique et la géopolitique, la géoesthétique : L’influence des lieux sur la réception sémiotique.Arthur Poirier-Roy - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (234):199-215.
    Résumé Cet article a pour objectif d’introduire la géoesthésique, une approche des sciences de la culture traitant des interactions entre l’espace et la réception sémiotique. Le tournant spatial des arts et des sciences de la fin du vingtième a inspiré la création de plusieurs nouvelles approches liées à l’espace et au territoire. La Géopoétique de Kenneth White, la Géocritique de Westphal et plus tard de Prieto et Tally, la Géoesthétique de Quirós et Imhoff et éventuellement même la géosymbolique travaillée par (...)
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    Does Christian Faith Rule out Human Autonomy?Louis Roy - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (4):606-623.
    Beginning with Kant, modernity has developed the secular dogma that human autonomy is incompatible with obedience to religious law. Can philosophy critique a faulty understanding of both autonomy and obedience? Can theology work out a healthy interaction between the two? In other words, can Christian faith integrate both a redefined autonomy and a redefined obedience?
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    A Non-Pacifist Argument Against Capital Punishment.Roy Weatherford - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 14:74-78.
    In this paper I present a moral argument against capital punishment that does not depend upon the claim that all killing is immoral. The argument is directed primarily against non-philosophers in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Oddly, the moral argument against capital punishment has not been effective in the United States despite the biblical injunction against killing. Religious supporters of the death penalty often invoke a presumed distinction between ‘killing’ and ‘murdering’ and avow that God forbade the latter but not the former. (...)
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  31. Christianity and the Children of Israel.Arthur Roy Eckardt - 1948
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    Nietzsche and Islam.Roy Jackson - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    In the light of current events, particularly the ‘post September 11th’ debates with much focus on aspects of the ‘clash of civilisation’ thesis, the issue of Islamic identity is a crucial one. Whilst Friedrich Nietzsche was addressing an audience of a different culture and age, his own originality, creativity, psychological, philological and historical insights allows for a fresh and enlightening understanding of Islam within the context of our modern era. In this book, Roy Jackson sets out to determine: Why did (...)
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    The Christian's philosophy of religion.Zephyrus Roy Fee - 1951 - [Dallas?: [Dallas?.
  34.  74
    Rebirth.Roy W. Perrett - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (1):41 - 57.
    Traditional Western conceptions of immortality characteristically presume that we come into existence at a particular time , live out our earthly span and then die. According to some, our death may then be followed by a deathless post-mortem existence. In other words, it is assumed that we are born only once and die only once; and that – at least on some accounts – we are future-sempiternal creatures. The Western secular tradition affirms at least ; the Western religious tradition – (...)
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  35. Response.Roy M. Anker - 2009 - In J. Matthew Bonzo & Michael Roger Stevens (eds.), After worldview: Christian higher education in postmodern worlds. Sioux Center, Iowa: Dordt College Press.
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    The emotional intelligence of Jesus: relational smarts for religious leaders.Roy M. Oswald - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Emotional Intelligence of Jesus introduces readers to key principles of emotional intelligence--self-awareness, empathy, assertiveness, optimism, and stress management--illustrating them in the life of Jesus and offering practical applications for leaders today.
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    Ética sin principios: otra ética posible.Roy H. May - 2012 - Sabanilla, San José, Costa Rica: Asociación Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones.
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    Evangelizing ShakespeareShakespearean Tragedy: Its Art and Christian Premises.Harry Levin & Roy W. Battenhouse - 1971 - Journal of the History of Ideas 32 (2):306.
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    Saving Nature but Losing History? Promises and Perils of Cosmic Christology for an Ecotheology of Liberation.Roy H. May - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):542-560.
    Cosmic Christology, including deep incarnation, provides an ethical-theological framework for confronting environmental crisis. It criticizes ‘history’ as arrogantly anthropocentric and proposes a paradigm shift from Christ the Saviour of history to the Christ of the cosmos. Whereas I recognize these strengths for protecting nature, I argue that in its universal pretension Christ too often becomes an abstract reality and loses material grounding for social justice. In its eagerness to supplant the Christ the Saviour of history, cosmic Christology risks stripping humanity (...)
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  40. Pascha nostrum.Marie Madeleine D' Hendecourt - 1950 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    The next step in religion.Roy Wood Sellars - 1918 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    The Next Step in Religion: An Essay toward the Coming Renaissance is a classic religious essay by Roy Wood Sellars that examines christianity and humanism includes the following excerpt: More than people are consciously aware, a new view of the universe and of man's place in it is forming. It is forming in the laboratories of scientists, the studies of thinkers, the congresses of social workers, the assemblies of reformers, the studios of artists and, even more quietly, in the circles (...)
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  42. Buddhism, euthanasia and the sanctity of life.Roy W. Perrett - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (5):309-13.
    Damien and John Keown claim that there is important common ground between Buddhism and Christianity on the issue of euthanasia and that both traditions oppose it for similar reasons in order to espouse a "sanctity of life" position. I argue that the appearance of consensus is partly created by their failure to specify clearly enough certain key notions in the argument: particularly Buddhism, euthanasia and the sanctity of life. Once this is done, the Keowns' central claims can be seen to (...)
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    Virtues, obligations, and the prophetic vision.Roy Branson - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):361-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Virtues, Obligations, and the Prophetic VisionRoy Branson (bio)Ethics at its best is only bad poetry—that is, it seeks to help us see whatwe see every day but fail to see rightly...If ethicists had talent, they might be poets,but in the absence of talent, they try tomake their clanking conceptual anddiscursive chains do the work of art.—Stanley HauerwasThe speaker was so severely bent over that his congenitally deformed back had (...)
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    (1 other version)Buddhism after Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism.Roy C. Amore & Rita M. Gross - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:245.
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    Religion: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters: by Christian Robson, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2017, x + 277 pp., $35.00/£27.95.Roy R. Robson - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):871-872.
    As an academic discipline, Religious Studies has sought to differentiate itself from Theology both in focus and methodology. Scholars have broadened their research to include sacred traditions outs...
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    Ethics, Wealth, and Salvation: A Study in Buddhist Social Ethics.Roy C. Amore, Russell F. Sizemore & Donald K. Swearer - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:265.
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    On Understanding Buddhists: Essays on the Theravada Tradition of Sri Lanka.Roy C. Amore & John Ross Carter - 1995 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 15:273.
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    Faith, freedom, and selfhood.Charles Roy Stinnette - 1959 - Greenwich, Conn.,: Seabury Press.
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    Reason and belief in God.Roy Clouser - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (1):36-68.
    the lack of unity among Christians represents the grave obstacle for the proclamation of the gospel, we should take every suitable opportunity to increase the unity of all Christians. The present essay is meant as a contribution toward this goal.” . The increased unity he has in mind is a reconciliation of the traditional scholastic interpretation of Christian doctrine , and the Calvinist tradition . More specifically, he seeks a unity between them concerning the relation of faith and reason, that (...)
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  50. A brief sketch of the philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd.Roy Clouser - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (1):3-17.
    An account is offered of Dooyeweerd’s non-reductionist ontology. It also includes the role of religious belief in theory making, although it omits his case for why such a role is unavoidable. The ontology is a theory of the nature of (created) reality which presupposes and is regulated by belief in the God of Judeo-Christian theism. Because it takes everything in creation to be directly dependent on God, it offers an account of the natures of both natural things and artifacts which (...)
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